How to install UniFi access points?

Published onby Iron (edited on )


Setting up UniFi Access Points (APs) is a key part of getting a solid wireless network up and running. It’s not always as straightforward as it looks, but don’t worry—we’ve got you covered.

Let walk through the process to make things as easy as possible.

🚨 Before we get to installing access points, just a quick note: If you manage client networks on a self-hosted UniFi controller. Please stop. Sooner or later this will cause issues! It's fine for home users, but definitely not recommended for businesses. We've built a secure and reliable UniFi hosting solution that takes the hassle out of managing controllers. You can try it for free.

Table of Contents

Installation Process for UniFi Access Points

Physical Installation

  • Location: Choose a central location for your AP to ensure optimal coverage. Avoid physical obstructions and sources of interference.
  • Mounting: Secure the AP to the ceiling or wall using the mounting hardware (normally provided). Ensure it's firmly in place.

Connecting to the Network

  • Ethernet Cable: Connect the AP to your network using an Ethernet cable. This cable should link the AP to a PoE (Power over Ethernet) switch or a PoE injector, which provides both power and data connection.

Adopting the AP in the UniFi Controller

  • Accessing the Controller: Open the UniFi Controller software. This can be hosted on a local machine or, as we do at UniHosted, in the cloud for easier access and management.
  • Discovering the AP: The Controller should automatically detect the new AP. If not, you may need to set the inform URL manually.

Setting the Inform URL (If needed)

  • SSH into the AP: Use an SSH client to access the AP. You'll need the device's IP address and the default credentials (ubnt for both username and password).
  • Set Inform Command: Enter the following command, replacing your-controller-network-address with your actual controller's address:
set-inform http://your-controller-network-address:8080/inform
  • Adoption in Controller: After executing this command, go back to your UniFi Controller. The AP should appear for adoption. Click "Adopt".

Configuring the AP

  • Settings: Once adopted, configure the AP according to your network requirements – SSID, security settings, guest networks, etc.
  • Updates: Ensure the firmware is up to date for optimal performance and security.

Final Checks

  • Network Tests: Perform tests to ensure the AP is functioning correctly and providing the desired coverage.
  • Monitoring: Use the UniFi Controller to monitor the AP's performance and make adjustments as necessary.

Final Thoughts

Setting up UniFi APs can feel a bit overwhelming, but nailing the details is key to getting the best performance. That’s where UniHosted comes in—our cloud-hosted UniFi Controller makes managing and monitoring your devices so much easier.

With simple access to your network’s settings and performance, you’ll keep things running smoothly and securely without the hassle. If you would like me to personally walk you through UniHosted, you can schedule a call with me here.

We host UniFi Controllers in the Cloud

Are you ready to take your UniFi Network to the next level? Deploy a UniFi Cloud Controller in minutes and manage your network from anywhere.

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